
Listener Profile &

Statistical Demographics

KBNP primarily targets an upscale well-educated audience of adults 35+. However, in today’s changing economy with more people now investing in the stock and bond markets through employer benefits, the audience has expanded to include a broader base of success-oriented consumers.

These individuals are also interested in current news and information on a day to day basis. This broader base includes the well-educated, affluent and financially stable older adults with discretionary incomes; Adults 55+, as well as the up and coming hi-tech professional, entrepreneur, business owner and manager.

NOAA Weather

Portland Oregon

Last Updated on Jun 5 2024, 3:53 am PDT

Current Conditions: Mostly Cloudy


Temp: 55°F

Wind: North at 4mph

Humidity: 72%

Dewpoint: 46.0°F

Your 5-Day Forecast at a Glance

The Typical KBNP Listener


  • Business, Industry, Investor 82.3%
  • Manufacturing 21.8%
  • Finance 22.6%
  • Banking, Insurance/Real Estate

  • 25-34 16.1%
  • 35-44 31.1%
  • 45-54 21.1%
  • 55-64 17.1%
  • 65+ 15.1%
  • (68.3% are in peak earning years)

  • Owns his/her own home (s). (rental/vacation property included)
  • Owns two or more vehicles.(secondary auto, water/aircraft)
  • Own Stocks, bonds, mutual funds exceeding $150,000, or more.
  • 83% Respond to KBNP Advertisers
  • 80% Listen to KBNP more than one hour per day
  • 78% Have investment portfolios (25% value over $200,000)
  • 72% Frequently use air travel
  • 70% Are Business professional
  • 53% Use computers in their workplace
  • 45% Travel Internationally

KBNP’s Successful Listener


  • College Educated 90.7%
  • Graduated College 74.4%
  • Post Graduate Work 43.5%
  • Top Management 51.0%
  • Chairman, Director, President 21.7%
  • CEO/CFO/COO 22..9%
  • General Management 38.1%
Household Income

  • Over $50,000 84.2%
  • Over $75,000 68.2%
  • Over $100,000 55.8%
  • Net Worth Over $1 Million 38.1%
  • Average Listener Income $126,705
  • Median Area Resident $ 72,215